Issuing With Cron Invoices Does Not Work


Issuing with CRON invoices does not work on the settings of the PL-PL region

The problem will reach both settings:
On Server Side (PHP)

I also do not understand the message that is displayed all the time even on printed farms.
Recurring Invoice
The Will Be Automatically Generate New Invoice Every 6 Months (Semiannuly) system.
Cron job must be setup other invoice will be generated.

$ php82 artisan app:generate-invoice
Call to a member function subDays() on string

at app/Console/Commands/CreateRecurringInvoices.php:31
27▕ $query->whereNull('next_create_date')->orWhere('next_create_date', '<=', now()->format('Y-m-d'));
28▕ })->get()->filter(function ($recurring_invoice) {
29▕ $date = $recurring_invoice->last_created_at ? $recurring_invoice->last_created_at : $recurring_invoice->date;
30▕ if ($recurring_invoice->create_before) {
➜ 31▕ $date = $recurring_invoice->create_before == 1 ? $date->subDay() : $date->subDays($recurring_invoice->create_before);
32▕ }
34▕ if ($recurring_invoice->repeat) {
35▕ return $this->{$recurring_invoice->repeat}($date);

1 [internal]:0
+2 vendor frames

4 app/Console/Commands/CreateRecurringInvoices.php:28

Bug Unresolved For: Simple Invoice Manager - Invoicing Made Easy 1 Votes 7 Replies 247 Views
Reported by Mateusz 5 months ago


Replied by Mian Saleem 5 months ago


The recurring alert is display on invoice that will be carted by system. This is for staff only.

I have fixed the command and released update. Please download the file and update.

Thank you


Replied by Mateusz 5 months ago

great, thank you, I'll check it and let you know


Replied by Mateusz 5 months ago

Well, not much has changed, now I can't execute the command, and the fireplace I had for the staff is still on PDF.
Nothing happened, Cron didn't issue any invoices. and I set it for the next day for the test.


Replied by Mateusz 5 months ago

$ php82 artisan app:generate-invoice


Could not parse '8 paź 2024': Failed to parse time string (8 paź 2024) at position 0 (8): Unexpected character

at vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Creator.php:198
194▕ }
195▕ // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
197▕ if (!$date) {
➜ 198▕ throw new InvalidFormatException("Could not parse '$time': ".$exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception);
199▕ }
201▕ return $date;
202▕ }

1 [internal]:0
+1 vendor frames

3 [internal]:0


Replied by Mateusz 5 months ago

the fix is ​​issued as I changed In Browser (Javascript). what will be the correct command for cron ?

          • cd /path-to-your-project && php82 artisan app:generate-invoice >> /dev/null 2>&1


Replied by Mateusz 5 months ago

Format and time zone, despite the PL_PL settings, I have invoices issued by the command from SSH for a test with 7:33 am and I sent around 09:00 in the morning.


Replied by Mian Saleem 5 months ago


I have fixed the cron job for non-english dates. For cron job please refer to the documentation.pdf in your download.

Thank you

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