Easier Product Quantity Edit



  1. Is there an easier way to edit product quantity as opposed to the Adjust Stock or Purchase method? Is it possible to have the quantity box editable when we edit a product?

  2. When adding a new product, there i see no place to set quantity unless a variation is created. Am i missing something?

Question Resolved For: Stock Manager Advance with Point of Sale Module 0 Votes 5 Answers 688 Views
Asked by Rain 3 years ago


Answered by Mian Saleem

Yes, by modifying the limit for method getProductNames in app/models/admin/Sales_model.php for sales and same method name in app/models/admin/Purchases_model.php Thank you


Answered by Rain 3 years ago

When a new product is being added and variations are added, quantity box does not show. I have to save the product first, then edit it again and add the variation then only Quantity box is shown.

When a product with quantity 10 for example is duplicated, the quantity gets put into PRICE ADDITION column instead.

I've attached a few screenshots for your better understanding.


Answered by Mian Saleem 3 years ago


Yes, there is no option to set quantity while adding/editing product. You should add products and the add purchase to set the quantity/stock for the warehouse.

The warehouse quantity column issue on duplicate product page will be fixed in next update.

Thank you


Answered by Rain 3 years ago

Can the autocomplete bar be changed to display more products instead of just 5?


Answered by Rain 3 years ago

Thank you, you da man!

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