Error Profit Today Help


Hello, I have a problem with my system, I make a sale of approximately 11 thousand Argentine pesos, I go to daily earnings and it tells me that I only earn negative -2878.22, it cannot be, they would not be giving me the numbers.

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Question Resolved For: Stock Manager Advance (Invoice & Inventory System) 0 Votes 9 Answers 585 Views
Asked by Fausto Aguirre 2 years ago


Answered by Fausto Aguirre 2 years ago

Another error I found, if the total is 2569.50 and the person pays 2750, why is the balance negative? It should be positive, it is money left in my favor.


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 years ago


The report is calculated as products' revenue - products' cost and the cost calculation depends on your inventory accounting method in system settings.

Negative balance for sales means that the customer has paid more than he needs to be, so you owe him that amount.

Thank you


Answered by Fausto Aguirre 2 years ago

Which of the 3 methods should I use to calculate profits with the cost of the product that appears in the list of products and what the customer pays for the same list of products? AVCO?


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 years ago


AVCO uses avg cost. Please refer to docs to know more about inventory accounting methods.

Thank you


Answered by Fausto Aguirre 2 years ago

The cost of the product is $837 and the final value is $1210, the profit should be $373, but nevertheless, in today profit it indicates $401, that happens to me with all the products, I need you to calculate the profit based on the real cost of the product list of products and what the customer pays. Attached images.


Answered by Fausto Aguirre 2 years ago

I tried the three costing methods, but they all give me the same profit and none of them suits my needs, as I understand it after reading the document, Could you make that change in the program?


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 years ago


No method use the cost from products table. Once you changed the method, it will only have effect on future sales.

Thank you


Answered by Fausto Aguirre 2 years ago

I understand that profits are the difference between the cost (what the product is worth to the seller) and the final cost (what the final customer pays), so there is no way for today profit to show that? instead of other more complex mathematical calculations?


Answered by Duy Khanh 3 months ago

Could anyone explain this function to me? I don't understand how to use it

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