Simple forum - index in google


please teach me how to index the forum in google... thanks

Question Resolved For: Simple Forum - Responsive Bulletin Board 0 Votes 3 Answers 598 Views
Asked by anxiety disorder 4 years ago


Answered by Mian Saleem 4 years ago

You can generate sitemap from settings and submit to google console. Google will take time to crawl and index the links.

Thank you


Answered by anxiety disorder 4 years ago

Please tell me the steps on how to generate sitemap from the settings. thanks


Answered by Mian Saleem 4 years ago


Here are the steps to generate sitemap

  1. Logins as admin
  2. Go to Settings page
  3. Scroll the page to sitemap section
  4. Click update and then copy the sitemap link
  5. You can submit the sitemap link to Google Console

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