Total Sales From Daily Sales Report Is Incorrect


The total sales doesnt match the product revenue on daily sales report. Please see the screenshot attached Product revenue only shows 18,453 but the total sales shows 18,533

Question Resolved For: Stock Manager Advance (Invoice & Inventory System) 0 Votes 6 Answers 405 Views
Asked by John Guilbert Caringal 9 months ago


Answered by John Guilbert Caringal 9 months ago

Any solution to this yet? Thank you


Answered by Mian Saleem 9 months ago


The calendar sales are calculated from sma_sales table while the profit and loss is calculated from the sma_costing table. I can see that you don't have any order related tax/discount. I am not sure what caused this but the values in both tables are different that caused this. Was there any edit to sales made or any other action that can help me rectify the cause?


Answered by John Guilbert Caringal 9 months ago

There were no edits made to the sale. Sales tax is also set to 0 and no discount.

I dont understand why I am getting a different value of the total sales.

In my understanding, The total sales should match the products revenue as I have no discount or tax, they are all 0


Answered by John Guilbert Caringal 9 months ago

update please?


Answered by Mian Saleem 9 months ago


Yes, if there is no order related discount/tax then the values should match. I have no clue what cause this but you can backup your database and attach with private reply. I can try to check which products caused this and you can investigate further.

Thank you

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