How to save our data in Urdu Language


Our data is in Urdu language but it's not supporting the Urdu language
Kindly Please help how to save products name in the Urdu Language
The error is: The Product Code field may only contain alpha-numeric characters.

Request Undecided For: Simple POS - Point of Sale Made Easy 0 Votes 1 Replies 2.2k Views
Requested by ali fancy fancy 4 years ago


Replied by Mian Saleem 4 years ago

The code should be alpha-numeric and I suggest to not change it. You can have name in any language. But if necessary, you can modify the item code as you need. The help folder has general guide on removing the validations and general structure.

The products controller is app/controllers/Products.php and view are in themes/default/views/products/ folder.

If you are not developer, you can hire any developer to help you modify the item as you need.

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