Images For Invoice Line Items


We would find it very helpful to be able to add one (or more) images to an invoice.

If one image, we would want its thumbnail to display/print as the first element of the line item (that is, on the left).

If more than one image is permitted, then display the first one to the left as above, and the others as thumbnails below the item.

Images could be stored in a directory as files, or into a blob field in the database. Either would be ok as there are pros and cons to both methods.

Currently, we save images based on the invoice id + the image number. For example, if we take 5 pictures for invoice 17402, then we save them as 17402-1.jpg 17402-2.jpg 17402-3.jpg 17402-4.jpg and 17402-5.jpg. If someone wishes to view those, they know to go to our Photos/17/402 folder and there will find the images. (We segment the folders like this in order to keep the entries per folder small, which helps keep performance fast.)

Anyway, just a thought. It would be very useful to have images built into the invoicing.

Request Undecided For: Simple Invoice Manager - Invoicing Made Easy 0 Votes 0 Replies 1.8k Views
Requested by Scott Smith 2 years ago

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