Adding Variants Causes Http Error 500


I just tried to edit a Product, to add variants but as soon as I clicked on the button "Edit product" (to submit the update), it displayed an error message - "HTTP error 500".
On this error page, I also see that the URL has gone from HTTPS: to HTTP.

This is preventing me from adding a variant to the product.
What should I do, to fix this?

Question Resolved For: Stock Manager Advance with All Modules 0 Votes 7 Answers 1.4k Views
Asked by Philip L 2 years ago


Answered by Philip L 2 years ago

I hope it has nothing to do with "MySQL only_full_group_by mode" being present, as you did indicate earlier on that I should not be concerned about this.


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 years ago


Please check your server's php error logs and let me know the error details so that I suggest.

If you are not sure about server error logs, you can enable app logs by changing the log_threshold to 1 in the app/config/config.php and then try to edit the products again to produce errors. Lastly check the latest log file in the app/logs/ folder.

Thank you


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 years ago


Once you have written the variants, please click the + icon to add them to form and set other fields if need.

Thank you


Answered by Philip L 2 years ago

Oh, YES!!! That worked! I knew I missed something! Thanks and much appreciated.


Answered by Philip L 2 years ago

Can close case. Thanks.


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 years ago

You can accept the answer to mark it resolved. Otherwise, the system will resolve it if there is no activity in a few days. Thanks

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