Hello support,
I have products varriants and I am struggling with product detail page, where it shows only product name (qty) so I have to basically click each invoice to see the detail of varriants product and check if quantity is right or not.
is there a way or modification i can make to show the Product Varriants next to the Product name in Product detail page?
example now it shows
Product name (qty)
please see my screenshot of how it looks now .
could it be >>
Product name
(varriants 1 = qty)
(varriants 2 = qty) etc...
or it could display like what it display in invoice as summary (see my last attachment)
Thank you
There is no option at the moment. I will display the variant name in the next update.
If you need it urgent, I have attached the patch.zip
Thank you
May be your option_id is no not null but empty. You can try to search the report controller for option_id IS NOT NULL THEN
and replace it with option_id > 0 THEN
Thank you
Mian Saleem Hello support,
i have just realize that the product varriant is showing on the view but when export as xls it doesn't show varriant name, it only show the qty.
could you help or giving any update on that ? maybe quick modification like we did on the view report controller?
please help
I am sorry for the late reply.
Which report are you talking about? Can you please share screenshots?
Thank you
Mian Saleem so it means you are not going to help with that?
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