Error During Checkout Seems No Stock


I am getting "500 internal server error" when checkout or transfer.

attached screenshot for your reference.

production.ERROR: Attempt to read property "name" on null {"userId":1,"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Attempt to read property "name" on null at /var/www/html/

Question Resolved For: Warehouse Inventory Management Solution 0 Votes 8 Answers 534 Views
Asked by Nishad 5 months ago


Answered by Mian Saleem


Please use item unit or you can edit the file pp/Helpers/CheckOverSelling.php to replace ->name with ?->name

Thank you


Answered by Nishad 5 months ago

I have replaced ->name with ?->name but still showing stock 0 on checkout.

class CheckOverSelling
public function check($order_items, $warehouse_id)
$error = [];
$items = Item::whereIn('id', collect($order_items)->pluck('item_id'))->with(['unit.subunits', 'stock' => fn ($q) => $q->ofWarehouse($warehouse_id)])->get();
foreach ($order_items as $key => $order_item) {
$old_quantity = 0;
$base_quantity = 0;
$unit = null;
$item = $items->where('id', $order_item['item_id'])->first();
if (isset($order_item['selected']) && isset($order_item['selected']['variations']) && ! empty($order_item['selected']['variations'])) {
foreach ($order_item['selected']['variations'] as $order_variation) {
$quantity = $order_variation['quantity'] + 0;
$old_quantity = isset($order_variation['old_quantity']) ? (float) $order_variation['old_quantity'] : 0;
$quantity = $old_quantity ? $quantity - $old_quantity : $quantity;
$variation = Variation::with(['stock' => fn ($q) => $q->ofWarehouse($warehouse_id)])->find($order_variation['variation_id']);
$unit = $order_variation['unit_id'] ? $item->unit->subunits->where('id', $order_variation['unit_id'])->first() : null;
$variationStock = $variation->stock->where('warehouse_id', $warehouse_id)->first();
$base_quantity = $unit ? convert_to_base_quantity($quantity, $unit) : $quantity;
$meta = [];
foreach ($variation->meta as $variant => $option) {
$meta[] = $variant . ': ' . $option;
if (! $variationStock) {
$error["items.{$key}.quantity"] = __choice('{name} ({variant}) do not have {quantity} in stock, available quantity {available}.', ['name' => $order_item['name'], 'quantity' => $quantity . ' ' . ($unit ? $unit?->name : $item->unit?->name), 'available' => '0 ' . $item->unit?->name, 'variant' => implode(', ', $meta)]);
} elseif ($base_quantity && $variationStock->quantity < $base_quantity) {
$error["items.{$key}.quantity"] = __choice('{name} ({variant}) do not have {quantity} in stock, available quantity {available}.', ['name' => $order_item['name'], 'quantity' => $quantity . ' ' . ($unit ? $unit?->name : $item->unit?->name), 'available' => ((float) $variationStock->quantity) . ' ' . $item->unit?->name, 'variant' => implode(', ', $meta)]);
} else {
$quantity = $order_item['quantity'] + 0;
$old_quantity = isset($order_item['old_quantity']) ? (float) $order_item['old_quantity'] : 0;
$quantity = $old_quantity ? $quantity - $old_quantity : $quantity;
$unit = $order_item['unit_id'] ? $item->unit->subunits->where('id', $order_item['unit_id'])->first() : null;
$stock = $item->stock->where('warehouse_id', $warehouse_id)->first();
$base_quantity = $unit ? convert_to_base_quantity($quantity, $unit) : $quantity;
if (! $stock) {
$error["items.{$key}.quantity"] = __choice('{name} do not have {quantity} in stock, available quantity {available}.', ['name' => $order_item['name'], 'quantity' => $quantity . ' ' . ($unit ? $unit?->name : $item->unit?->name), 'available' => '0 ' . $item->unit?->name]);
} elseif ($base_quantity && $stock->quantity < $base_quantity) {
$error["items.{$key}.quantity"] = __choice('{name} do not have {quantity} in stock, available quantity {available}.', ['name' => $order_item['name'], 'quantity' => $quantity . ' ' . ($unit ? $unit?->name : $item->unit?->name), 'available' => ((float) $stock->quantity) . ' ' . $item->unit?->name]);

    return $error;



Answered by Nishad 5 months ago

Hello dear any update?


Answered by Mian Saleem 5 months ago


Yes, you add stock by checkin. You can check the list items page for current stock. If the items page shows the 6 pc quantity and you can't add checkout. Please let me know your installation url with login details in private reply so that I can check.

Thank you


Answered by Nishad 5 months ago

Thanks. The stock has started showing up. but I have another question regarding the "Rack" field on the item page. usually, an item may be stored in different warehouses and kept in different Racks. in that case, I think the Rack number fields should be along with the warehouse field on the Check-In page.


Answered by Mian Saleem 5 months ago


In current version rack is for item and same rack used for warehouses. I will add option to set different rank for warehouses.

Thank you


Answered by Nishad 5 months ago

Thank you!
NB: Adding a rack at the check-in page is good because when creating an item it does not physically keep the Item on the rack. usually, at check-in time only it decides where to store the item.

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