Warehouse Inventory Management Solution (WIMS)

WIMS (Warehouse Inventory Management Solution) is developed to provide easy and affordable solution for managing godown/warehouse inventory/stock. It has the option to categorize the items, assign unit of measurement and manage inventory for item variants too. Yes, you can manage multiple warehouses.

Free Support **
Released at
22 Apr 2021
Updated at
27 Jul 2021

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* Basic version comes with minified css & js files.
* Standard & Extended licenses will have all including package.json, webpack.mix.js, workbox-config.js, CSS and Javascript files to modify the item as you like.
** Every new purchase come with 6 months free support.

Built using

Warehouse Inventory Management Solution (WIMS) is built using Laravel, Inertiajs, Vuejs, Tailwindcss, Workbox, Webpack & NPM.
Laravel Inertiajs Vuejs Tailwindcss Workbox Webpack NPM


WIMS is a responsive and easy to use stock management solution that could help you manage your warehouse inventory very well with item variants and units.


Check in/out





Item Units & Variants

Multiple Warehouses

User Role & Permissions

App Alerts & Activity Log


Dashboard with monthly check in/out, total items & contacts along with 3 overview charts. Year and month overview of checkins, checkout, transfers and adjustments and top 10 products on month. year.


You can add items with variants and units. Items can be categorized and have option to enable weight tracking. Table displays the list with relations and warehouse stock. The details page shows the full stock list including variants. You can view the item trail to check the item movement. You can import items from excel file.

Check in/out

Easy to use user interface to add check in/out with multiple items with different units and variants along with additional option to track weight. Table is filter/search able and for better control check the reports.

Transfers & Adjustment

WIMS has the option to transfer stock between warehouse and stock adjustment for any reason including damages. These work quite similar of the check ins/outs.


Manage your contacts easily, only name with phone or email is required. The check in/out has contact field for attache them with contacts. These can be imported with excel file.

Categories & Units

Add categories and units to easily manage your items. WIMS will check sync the stock according to the selected unit while check in/out.

Alerts & Activity Log

You can check the low stock alerts by clicking the bell icon in top bar. Lost stock alerts are separate for each warehouse. WIMS record the activity and you can check it from activity menu. It is filter/search able and you can click the row to check the subject. By default system keep 365 days activity, you can change this in the configuration file.

Users, Roles & Permissions

Manage all your users, add and manage user roles with permissions. Edit user to allow them extra permissions to view and edit all records. User's profile has option to enable Tow Factor Authentication with Google Authenticator App. To set role permissions, please edit it.


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