I am not sure will it use SSL or TLS also not sure if the smtp is even working!
The mails are tested, if you are not sure about encryption then check with your provide. Most of the provider support tls
Thank you
How do I check my credentials are working. I tried reset password link, no mail came. But it showed Mail Sent.
Did you update the mail settings? If not the default mail is set to log. You can check the latest in storage/logs/
for logs.
You can update password in database's user table to $2y$10$92IXUNpkjO0rOQ5byMi.Ye4oKoEa3Ro9llC/.og/at2.uheWG/igi
to set it to password
Thank you
You can use tls
or ssl
as per your smtp server.
Thank you
I have tried both SSL/TLS, as soon as I save the settings, it says "The selected mail mailers smtp encryption is invalid."
I think we need a way to check if the SMTP is working or not.
PS: You also need to update your update documentation. Apart from backing up the .env file, they also need to backup public/img folder.
Mail encryption can only be empty string, tls
or ssl
To check/test stmp, you can email the invoice/quotation.
I will update the docs to backup img folder too.
Thank you
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