Hello sir, I have a printer of that brand and the print comes out cut off on the paper, please help me solve it, I have it connected via USB, when I print with the browser I get half the print.
the complete impression does not come out.
Can you please share the phot of the receipt that was printed?
Thank you
You can set update the code as following
@media print {
* { height: auto !important; min-height: 0 !important; max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; min-width: 150px !important; margin: 0 !important; }
table { table-layout: fixed; overflow-wrap: break-word; }
If still same, then you need to set the max-width to table as you need as following
@media print {
* { height: auto !important; min-height: 0 !important; max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; min-width: 150px !important; margin: 0 !important; }
table { table-layout: fixed; overflow-wrap: break-word; max-width: 200px !important; }
The above 200px you can adjust as per your paper width.
Thank you
Sir, the text is no longer cut off, I used the first block of code that you sent, now the text appears fine, but there is excess paper at the top, if you fix this it would be perfect. https://ibb.co/DW2g8MV
Sir I have another question and done tests, can you delete the data from the php my admin database? and thus do it faster, or would it harm the system? What tables are the ones that I can delete the senior record? Thank you very much for the support, don't forget the previous comment about printing the invoice 😄.
I can't see any gap at the top of preview, so I am not sure that's html or printing. We have already set the margin to zero. You can set padding to zero too.
@media print {
* { height: auto !important; min-height: 0 !important; max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; min-width: 150px !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; }
table { table-layout: fixed; overflow-wrap: break-word; max-width: 200px !important; }
For deleting any record from database is not recommended unless you know what you are doing, and you know the result of the action.
Thank you
thank you sir it worked for me the penultimate one the last one not, one last query sir how do I get the user id in dashboard.php I want to evaluate it with an if
You can get the user id from session as $this->session->userdata('user_id')
Thank you
Showing 11 to 16 of total 16 records
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