Reported Bugs

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Update Error - When Trying To Update

When trying to update - yes with new credentials just bought a new licence. I get this error: Can you help me out? Thank you

Reported by Donovan 1 year ago 1 Replies 348 Views


Issue In Reporting Counter

Check the top 3 counter Sale report Profit Report count Expense Report count. According to the image it should show 360 in the sales report counter at top but it is showing only 120 amount.. Ho

Reported by Hassan Naqvi 2 years ago 2 Replies 2.8k Views


Bug on how discounts works

My accountant discovered a serious bug. Discount should be applied before charging the VAT/Tax (This at least goes for all European Countries). We will need a bug fix for this asap.

Reported by Nikolas Monogios 5 years ago 1 Replies 2.4k Views

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