Hello, I need to know how to change the time zone in the application. What parameter should I use in app.php instead of UTC? I am having the following problem: when I create an entry, for example today, 27/12/2024, the date appears correctly, but both in the view of the entries and in the reports, it always shows the date of the previous day, for example, 27/12/2024. If I edit the entry, the date I entered is 12/27/2024. Can you help? The time zone of the VPS is fine according to my time zone, which is GMT -3 America/Sao_Paulo. Thank you.
This problem is the same?
Hello, I think your php.ini timezone and config/app.php timezone are different. also check mysql timezone.
Please make sure that you have set correct timezone for the server and in config/app.php
Thank you
Nishad Thank you for helping 😃
Nishad I've checked everything, mysql is ok, PHP.ini too and the problem continues.
What do I put in the option below:
| Application Timezone
| Here you may specify the default timezone for your application, which
| will be used by the PHP date and date-time functions. We have gone
| ahead and set this to a sensible default for you out of the box.
'timezone' => '-03:00',
can you try this : 'timezone' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
Hello, in the demo it was corrected, how do I replicate it to my code that I have installed on the VPS? Thank you
Can you tell me which file to update so I don't have to install the system again? Thank you
And please let me know the parameter too...
Please download the file again and follow update instructions form documentation.pdf. Thank you
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