Product Details Not Displayed The Same In Invoice


In Products, I can create a product and in the Details field I can use <br> tags (and other tags, too) to create formatted details.

When this is viewed in List Products, the formatted output is shown and not the raw tags.

However, when the product is added in Add Invoice, the detail tags are shown rather than the formatted details.

How can I get the details from the product to display in their formatted form during add invoice?

Also, if item details are entered on multiple lines, when the item is displayed by view invoice the details are collapsed into a single line.

As with above, how can I get view invoice to retain the newlines?

I don't really care about other tags. I'm only concerned about retaining newlines.


Question Resolved For: Simple Invoice Manager - Invoicing Made Easy 0 Votes 2 Answers 159 Views
Asked by Scott Smith 2 years ago


Answered by Scott Smith 2 years ago

You can close this. I didn't resolve tags not being preserved; however, I did solve preserving newlines.


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 years ago


You can try html_entity_decode to convert HTML entities to their corresponding characters.

Thank you

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