Hi, I'm using Simple Invoice version 4, and I can't make recurring invoices work.
Can anyone help me, share here the CRON JOB command that causes recurring invoices to be created and sent automatically to the customer, I'm using cPanel. Thanks
To rebuild the app you need to install the packages first npm i
and then you can build npm run build
Node version need to be 20+
Thank you
Okay, I'll test it!
I'm enjoying your support!
Have you also added email sending for new recurring invoices created?
Yes, I'm on Windows, and you added nom run build-only so if I use Linux, will it be ready for Linux or do I need to make another change?
It's not nom but npm. My auto correction changed that 😦 The command is npm run build-only
There is no change required for linux. All command should run fine.
Yes, the command is updated to email the new invoice. There are 1 links added in the settings to generate invoices and send overdue invoices (just for the sake to make sure the commands are working) You should setup cron job and not use these link.
Thank you
recurring invoice did not work neither bo create new invoce or send invoice csent a new invoice nor sent a notice of a slice sold
Hello friend!
I tested the updated version from 2024/04/23.
1 Recurring invoices are not being created or sent automatically to the customer's email.
If you click on the manual command button (Generate Invoice) that you added, yes, it generates and sends, but through CRON JOB it does not automatically generate or send
2 Overdue invoices are not being automatically sent to the customer's email.
If you click on the manual command button (Send Overdue Invoice) that you added, yes, it sends, but through CRON JOB it does not automatically generate or send
Can you resolve this today please? Since I bought this item I haven't been able to use it because of these 2 problems that it doesn't work, I've spent hours and nights awake testing it and it hasn't worked.
Help me brother, I know you can solve this! Thanks! God bless you!
Suggestion, for sending new invoices generated and due, the admin should also receive notifications by email, so the admin can also monitor not only the customer.
Another suggestion is that, when creating an invoice, whether recurring or non-recurring, the system automatically sends an email notification of the new invoice created to the customer.
The same command using to send generate and send invoices. So that's would be your cron job issue. You can check it.
Same cron job issue
No, I can't resolve the issue that caused by server but I can help you check.
We are here it help whatever we can. Just for your information the item review is not for support but to review the item as per your experience. That's not the tool to blackmail authors. I hope you got my point.
No, system don't send any notifications new invoice as most of our clients don't do that so this is the manual process for you to click email icon after you have added invoice.
We can admin notification in future updated but there are no promises for the release dates.
Thank you
Hi brother, how can you help me with this? I have another invoice system running on this same server and the cron job and automatic invoices work well, I even installed simple invoice manager version 3 and CRON and automatic recurring and due invoices work well, so I don't think it should NO a problem with CRON, only version 4 that is not working. I'm sorry, I'm not blackmailing you, I really admire you and your work, how can you help me?
Do you want access to my cPanel to resolve this?
Please let me know your cPanel details in private reply. I will try to check and update you.
You can add private reply by enabling the PRIVATE for Staff only
at top right of reply section.
Thank you
I have added the cron job. Please monitor for 2 - 3 days.
Thank you
Hi, I'm waiting for your response. thanks
No, change made. I only added the cronjob that start with /usr/
Yes, I am checking the date issue for some timezones (for 3 & 4, it seems to be same timezone issue).
Recurring invoices starts from the next repeat cycle. Let say if you create invoice on 1st May 2024 with repeat cycle of monthly and set create before 5 (days) then the invoice should be generated on 25th May 2024
The due date nothing to do with the recurring invoice this the date when the invoice will be marked as overdue. The due date is option, you can leave it blank or set it to any date including today (empty consider today too).
Can you please set your timezone in the config/app.php
and check again while I am fixing the issue. Default app timezone is UTC.
Thank you
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