Add Image With Items



in the simple stock manager there is the possibilty to add a photo with the Item.

Is it please possible to add this future to WIMS?

Thank you very much,

With kind regards,

Walter van Wijngaarden

Request Accepted For: Warehouse Inventory Management Solution 0 Votes 15 Replies 1.2k Views
Requested by Walter van Wijngaarden 1 year ago


Replied by Walter van Wijngaarden 1 year ago

This is the line in your documentation http://yourWIMSURL/commands/update_database?
key=youLicenseKeyOrPurchaseCode so it points to public/commands but this is not there. Also no when I unpack your zip file


Replied by Mian Saleem 1 year ago


Those are not folder or file but routes. I found there was issue with previous installation that the key was saved wrongly. Please edit storage/app/keys.json and replace "mps" with ""wims then try to access /commands/update_database or simply run the migrations from terminal by php artisan migrate --force

Thank you


Replied by Walter van Wijngaarden 1 year ago

Hello, in keys.json "wims"was already there. Update by /command/update_database is not working. Also can not access terminal and run php artisan migrate --force. Please provide a correct update for this installation. I will buy more to use on different sites but not if update is not working. With kind regards, Walter


Replied by Walter van Wijngaarden 1 year ago

Hello, I did the update through Putty but then I get this message. Cheers Walter



Replied by Mian Saleem 1 year ago


That mean migrations are up to date. Please check the items table in your database and make sure that the photo column extists.

Thank you

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