Problem With Users Leaving Forms Without Saving


This request has two parts. One, for standard non-modal forms, the second, for modal forms.

Monitor the standard non-modal forms so
-- IF any field has been altered
-- AND the user attempts to leave the form without submitting it
-- THEN popup a confirmation dialog warning that changes have not been saved

Modify modal forms to not automatically close when the user happens (unintentionally) to click outside the form. I think this has to do with backdrop, but I'm not at all sure.

For those who like things as they are, the could be options in settings, such as:

[ ] Warn when leaving an unsaved form?

[ ] Disable auto-close of popup forms?

Thanks for looking into it.

Request Undecided For: Simple Invoice Manager - Invoicing Made Easy 0 Votes 0 Replies 1.9k Views
Requested by Scott Smith 2 years ago

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