Comments for eCommerce Module for Modern POS Solution
Hello, Pre Sale question:
Will this module have the following? or is he considerate to be added?
*Hide Shopping cart for certain products (use for post as classified ads).
*Shipping cost depending on location (country/states) and depending on product size/dimensions.
*Shipping/delivery only on selected countries/states?
*Does it have multiple fields for product description in Shop Module (color, size, etc.).
*Bidding Module.
*Multiple payments including cash on delivery for Shop Module.
*Digital productos (lucenses, files, potos, etc.).
*Add comments to products (not reviews but comments for sellers products).
*Share products on social media.
*Can pages created by administrators be translated to other languages? as well as Cookies, Privacy Policy, FAQs, About us,
Our Mission, etc. can be translated?
*Flash Deals on Shop Module including "Sale ends in..." clock.
*Top products, top sellers to be shown/filter on main page for Shop Module.
*Blog Posts.
*Image Sliders for Shop Module.
*Advertising Spaces on Shop Module.
*Reward Points on Shop Module.
*Social Login on Shop Module.
*Add the reviews (stars), how many ahve been sold and item location (city/country) on product description or/and below pricing.
*Products tags like: On Sale, Sold, Not Avlaiable, New Product, etc.
*Abuse Reports for Shop Module.
*Bad Word Filter for Shop Module.
You can disable/enable cart price or hide items at the shop.
Now for location but will be updated to use weight & dimensions in future updates.
You can check the shipping methods after login as super.
Yes, it has multiple variant fields, please have look at demo.
No and no such plan yet
You can check the cart, user has the option to make payment with PayPal, Credit Card, Balance, COD etc
In future
No but will check in future
No but will add in next update
Yes, page title, description, and body in the language file. You can check shop page under admin menu after login as super
Yes, the menu strings are translate-able too
Not yet but open to suggestions
Top products can but there are no sellers
In future
Only feature item slider, will check to image slider in future
No, but will check
Will add in stable release (social login)
Review details are there, will check for others
No tags yet, will check in future
Will add in stable release (flag item)
Will add in stable release
Thank you
I own SMA with POS + Shop module. I purchased the MPS in discount using SMA purchase code, but now when I try to get discount for e-commerce moduke, it's not accepting my SMA with POS purchase code or Shop module purchase code.
Boa tarde!
Todos esses produtos tanto a loja virtual como HTML & CSS Templates comprando alguns deles vem em português ou teria que traduzir tudo manual.
Good evening!
All these products, both the virtual store and HTML & CSS Templates, buy some of them in Portuguese or you would have to translate everything manually.
We only have English translation unless advertised.
Thank you
Hello i bought SMA with all modules, is any way to integrate this eCommerce module(just the frontend store) to sma, and link the database(products, inventory, stock) i already have in sma?
No, this item is not compatible with SMA but only MPS.
Thank you
Hello is this and MPOS are working now? Can I access to admin dashboard in both to test, are the ready to use? Is ecommerce multivendor or multi store?
Hello does it have the option to add promotional banners in front page? Option to add flash deals (with counter) if not are you planning to integrate? Wen is the next update will be available and what will be new?
The items are still beta and we are updating them with new feature and fix the issues as we know.
Ecommerce module is not multi-vendor but single store. There aer no banner but items (slider, feature and others) that you can select in shop settings. Items are showing the promotions icon if on promotions. You can try the live demo to test. If you have suggestion, please let us know.
The ecommerce theme is responsive and it should display find on small screens. To change the styles & color you will need to modify the item code.
Thank you
I have bought your MPS apps and interested in e-commerce module. My question did you have any clients that use your e-commerce module? Can I see their live apps? Please give me a couple of links for our consideration. Thank you
Pleaese login to MPS and go to the settings page then click the manage modules The manage modules page has the option to enable/install the Shop module. Thanks
Hello, how i can add features product, slide and others on the shop homepages ?
Best Regards
Hello, Pre Sale question:
Will this module have the following? or is he considerate to be added?
*Hide Shopping cart for certain products (use for post as classified ads).
*Shipping cost depending on location (country/states) and depending on product size/dimensions.
*Shipping/delivery only on selected countries/states?
*Does it have multiple fields for product description in Shop Module (color, size, etc.).
*Bidding Module.
*Multiple payments including cash on delivery for Shop Module.
*Digital productos (lucenses, files, potos, etc.).
*Add comments to products (not reviews but comments for sellers products).
*Share products on social media.
*Can pages created by administrators be translated to other languages? as well as Cookies, Privacy Policy, FAQs, About us,
Our Mission, etc. can be translated?
*Flash Deals on Shop Module including "Sale ends in..." clock.
*Top products, top sellers to be shown/filter on main page for Shop Module.
*Blog Posts.
*Image Sliders for Shop Module.
*Advertising Spaces on Shop Module.
*Reward Points on Shop Module.
*Social Login on Shop Module.
*Add the reviews (stars), how many ahve been sold and item location (city/country) on product description or/and below pricing.
*Products tags like: On Sale, Sold, Not Avlaiable, New Product, etc.
*Abuse Reports for Shop Module.
*Bad Word Filter for Shop Module.
Thank you.
We are open to suggestions and feature requests.
Thank you
I own SMA with POS + Shop module. I purchased the MPS in discount using SMA purchase code, but now when I try to get discount for e-commerce moduke, it's not accepting my SMA with POS purchase code or Shop module purchase code.
Kindly check the same.
It should accept shop module. Let me check and I shall fix this soon.
Thank you
Its accepting SMA Shop module purchase code. Thank you
not activate ecommerce module on my mps waiting long time kindly do this
Please follow up on your ticket. Thank you
Boa tarde!
Todos esses produtos tanto a loja virtual como HTML & CSS Templates comprando alguns deles vem em português ou teria que traduzir tudo manual.
Good evening!
All these products, both the virtual store and HTML & CSS Templates, buy some of them in Portuguese or you would have to translate everything manually.
We only have English translation unless advertised.
Thank you
Hello i bought SMA with all modules, is any way to integrate this eCommerce module(just the frontend store) to sma, and link the database(products, inventory, stock) i already have in sma?
No, this item is not compatible with SMA but only MPS.
Thank you
Hello is this and MPOS are working now? Can I access to admin dashboard in both to test, are the ready to use? Is ecommerce multivendor or multi store?
Hello does it have the option to add promotional banners in front page? Option to add flash deals (with counter) if not are you planning to integrate? Wen is the next update will be available and what will be new?
Is it possible to modify front end layout? Add 2 columns to ei. display products in smartphones, change colors, etc?
The items are still beta and we are updating them with new feature and fix the issues as we know.
Ecommerce module is not multi-vendor but single store. There aer no banner but items (slider, feature and others) that you can select in shop settings. Items are showing the promotions icon if on promotions. You can try the live demo to test. If you have suggestion, please let us know.
The ecommerce theme is responsive and it should display find on small screens. To change the styles & color you will need to modify the item code.
Thank you
I have bought your MPS apps and interested in e-commerce module. My question did you have any clients that use your e-commerce module? Can I see their live apps? Please give me a couple of links for our consideration. Thank you
No, we don't keep and share such records. You can add questions and if someone like they you can add reply with their site link.
Thank you
Where to add a question? in the support area or just here?
Please ask at item support page. Thank you
how attch on Modern POS Solution
Pleaese login to MPS and go to the settings page then click the
manage modules
The manage modules page has the option to enable/install the Shop module. ThanksHello, how i can add features product, slide and others on the shop homepages ?
Best Regards
You can login as super and then can select items for slider, featured and others in shop settings.
Thank you
Does this project support right-to-left alignment?
Does it support Persian or Arabic languages?
No, it does not support RTL languages yet.
Thank you