404 Error Found After Installed Successfully


All the files downloaded except admin folder files in the root directory. If I click the go to login button, it will show empty page. 404 error msg
I used the port of appache 8081

Question Resolved For: Stock Manager Advance with Point of Sale Module 0 Votes 114 Answers 1.3k Views
Asked by Subramanian 4 months ago


Answered by Mian Saleem


Installer is locked means you have already installed the item if not then you have missed to upload all the files. Please refer to documentation.pdf in your download.

We are not aware or all the web platforms but if you can't manage I can help you check on Monday. You can let me know the access details in private reply and make sure that you system is on on Monday and that you provide all the details like, web platform uses, folder path and database etc.

Thank you


Answered by Subramanian 2 months ago

Mian Saleem error msg received
User Name : Tecdairy
code I attached error msg I attched pls fix as soon as possible earlier


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 months ago


Yes, it should. If you are on same server then only base_url need to be changed after moving file to different domain/folder. If on different server then you will need to change the database config too.

Thank you


Answered by Mian Saleem 1 month ago


  1. You can set email_activation to false in the app/config/ion_auth.php

  2. What is this customer company name? The shipping side use customer company name.

Thank you


Answered by Mian Saleem 1 month ago


You can install as you need on local machine or however you want to test. You are allowed to have one production installation and test installation per license.

Thank you


Answered by Mian Saleem 1 month ago


This app is for single business. It's not multi-tenant app.

If it's same business then you can consider franchise as warehouse and add warehouse as you need.

All the data is system level so all products will be for all warehouses. However SMA manage stock per warehouse. So adding purchase and sale will adjust the selected warehouse stock.

Thank you


Answered by Mian Saleem 1 week ago


Yes, each warehouse will have own stock and SMA tracks/syncs each warehouse stock on sales, purchase and transfers.

Thank you

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