Error When Changing Version


I updated the SMA version to 3.5.2 and when updating a field in settings it does not save the changes, nor does it load the products in the POS when making a sale.
I checked the error log and found this
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>

ERROR - 2023-11-29 21:59:50 --> Could not find the language line "today"
ERROR - 2023-11-29 21:59:50 --> Could not find the language line "display_all_products"
ERROR - 2023-11-29 21:59:50 --> Query error: Unknown column 'ws_barcode_type' in 'field list' - Invalid query: UPDATE sma_settings SET site_name = 'DROGUERIA Y VARIEDADES', rows_per_page = '25', dateformat = '5', timezone = 'America/Bogota', mmode = '0', iwidth = '800', iheight = '800', twidth = '150', theight = '150', watermark = '0', accounting_method = '0', default_email = '[email protected]', language = 'spanish', default_warehouse = '1', default_tax_rate = '1', default_tax_rate2 = '4', sales_prefix = 'VENTA', quote_prefix = 'COTIZ', purchase_prefix = 'CP', transfer_prefix = 'TR', delivery_prefix = 'DP', payment_prefix = 'RPG', ppayment_prefix = 'PAG', qa_prefix = '', return_prefix = 'DEVOL', returnp_prefix = 'DN', expense_prefix = 'GAS', auto_detect_barcode = '1', theme = 'default', product_serial = '0', customer_group = '1', product_expiry = '1', product_discount = '1', default_currency = 'PES', bc_fix = '4', tax1 = 1, tax2 = 1, overselling = '0', reference_format = '3', racks = '0', attributes = '0', restrict_calendar = '0', captcha = '0', item_addition = '1', protocol = 'mail', mailpath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail', smtp_host = '', smtp_user = '[email protected]', smtp_port = '25', smtp_crypto = NULL, decimals = '2', decimals_sep = '.', thousands_sep = ',', default_biller = '4', invoice_view = '0', rtl = '0', each_spent = NULL, ca_point = NULL, each_sale = NULL, sa_point = NULL, sac = '0', qty_decimals = '2', display_all_products = '0', display_symbol = '0', symbol = '$', remove_expired = '0', barcode_separator = '-', set_focus = '0', disable_editing = '90', price_group = '1', barcode_img = '1', update_cost = '1', apis = NULL, pdf_lib = 'dompdf', state = 'AN', use_code_for_slug = '0', ws_barcode_type = 'weight', ws_barcode_chars = '', flag_chars = '', item_code_start = '', item_code_chars = '', price_start = '', price_chars = '', price_divide_by = '', weight_start = '', weight_chars = '', weight_divide_by = '', ksa_qrcode = '0', smtp_pass = '12345678'
WHERE setting_id = '1'
ERROR - 2023-11-29 21:59:50 --> Could not find the language line "toggle_alignment"
ERROR - 2023-11-29 21:59:50 --> Could not find the language line "quantity_alerts"
ERROR - 2023-11-

I want to know how I can solve that, could you guide me to the solution?

Question Resolved For: Stock Manager Advance with Point of Sale Module 0 Votes 1 Answers 238 Views
Asked by Michael Salcedo 5 months ago


Answered by Mian Saleem 5 months ago


Did you update the database as mentioned in the step 8?

The column ws_barcode_type was added in the v3.4.38 You need to import all the database updates to your database starting from the version you updated from.

Thank you

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