Regex Validation With Unicode


We trying to translate SMA PSM to Mongolian language and we having problem with it. I could not add UNICODE. and then I have edited validation and it started accepting unicode. But When i need to choose category unit measure etc it won't show up. because value is unicode
А-Яа-яӨҮ those should be accepted. Please help

Question Resolved For: Stock Manager Advance with Point of Sale Module 0 Votes 5 Answers 437 Views
Asked by CptSilent 2 years ago


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 years ago


SMA uses utf8 encoding and alpha_dash & alpha_numeric_spaces validations for names and slugs. If you need, you can remove the validations.

For language files utf8 encoding is used and your language should be encoded in urf8 too. The only issue with language translation is to not use ' & " but use html entities ' & " instead.

Thank you


Answered by CptSilent 2 years ago

How can i remove encoding validation. If you need URL and or cpanel account i can provide.


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 years ago


There is no option to remove encoding. By validation I mean the form validation. You can search the alpha_dash in the app/controllers/admin/ folder to know where this validation is used.

Thank you


Answered by Jenah Smith 1 month ago

Mian Saleem When I try to edit customer info then shows error "form validation other validation"
Help me to solve the issues


Answered by Mian Saleem 1 month ago

Jenah Smith Please ask new question with details. Thanks

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