Search Product Details


How can I make the Search feature work for "Product Details"?
I need the search bar to also search within Product Details. How can I change the code to implement this search?
Thank you.

Question Resolved For: Stock Manager Advance with Point of Sale Module 0 Votes 3 Answers 101 Views
Asked by Chapin 1 month ago


Answered by Mian Saleem 1 month ago


Datatable search only search the column. You can refer to docs for added column.

If you are not developer, please feel free to hire any to help you modify the code.

Thank you


Answered by Chapin 1 month ago

You are the creator, so you are supposed to help us by providing support. I'm not asking you to do it, but please let me know which files I need to change. I don't want to waste hours figuring out what code I need to replace.


Answered by Mian Saleem 1 month ago


The support is not to help in customisation/modifications. Support is to help you with the current features and if you have any question to understand any features or function or to fix bugs and errors.

Everyone has different need for their business and this is general use item. If any thing need to be modified, you can't expect us to do it for you. I have pointed you to check the docs on adding column and if you can't manage I am sure you can find developer to do it for you for a small fee. The product controller file is app/controllers/admin/Product.php and the views files are in the themes/default/admin/views/products/ folder. The listing page view should be index.php

We do not offer support for modifications and modified versions. We can only guide and you are allowed to modify the item code at your own risk as per license.

Thank you

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