if you can add reports for profit and loss
Add multi currency options with option to set rate based to the basic currency. also in order invoice display prices in currencies defined -- optional to choose currency to bed displayed on order in
Ability to add more payments to one sale, Ex. they pay half of sale by cash half of it by bank or they prepay half of their sale now and the rest later. Also report like Transactions to be able to pr
How about to add feature to choose category, if you add a custom field to product? Also i think will be great to add a checkbox "Search", if this option is enabled custom field add in shop filter of
Can you add feature to display Due amount for customer on Sale PDF, and for each sale to have grace period then they can make the payment ( ex 60 days ), also bank details would be a good feature to a
It would be great to have option in Deliveries for the items with no stock to be put on back order, once avaiable the rest of order is delivered. This is useful for overselling activated.
Same as "Item Label Design" under settings, Can we have "Invoice Design" to customize the Header and Footer of the invoice. For some businesses, "Store" part is not necessary, not required barcode, i
"List Sales" did by the employee in the POS screen itself instead of going back to the dashboard. It will help to restrict POS sales staff from messing up with other options in the backend. "Add Pay
Exporting from the list to csv/xls/pdf is a must feature for many use cases
In SMA we have bulk import options. How can I do it in MPS
Showing 1 to 10 of total 11 records
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