Bugs And Requests For The Sbm


Hi, i've seen some bugs on the app, When you add multiple Payments in one Sale, on the View sale and pdf the balance doesn't gets updated. Also example the sale its 1400 eu Total, i add 100 eu payment then i go to add another payment for the same sale the price shown its same as the sale 1400 (needs to be 1300 couse i added 100 earlier ).
Another bug or maybe its not bug but it needs to get addressed if when on Add Sale page if accidentally refresh the page or the internet gets cut of all the Items added gets removed on sma this problem was solved and i never had problem.
And please add Packing list for the Sales with Porduct name qty and Rack name its easier for find big orders

Question Resolved For: Modern Point of Sale Solution 0 Votes 10 Answers 709 Views
Asked by Gent 9 months ago


Answered by Mian Saleem


I think that's good layer. App has it's own security. You can discuss with the server admin. They can guide you about this or can tell your the cause.

Thank you


Answered by Gent 9 months ago

You can see the images the first one The balance its not ok and the second one add payment its disabled but the sale its not fully paied


Answered by Mian Saleem 9 months ago

Hello, thank you for reporting the issues. I will check and fix them in the next update.


Answered by Gent 9 months ago

Also i updated php.ini of my subdomain where its installed all max_ to 999999 and memory limit to max but still when i add more then 59 items i wont save


Answered by Mian Saleem 9 months ago


For form data you need to increase the following


Thank you


Answered by Gent 9 months ago

Mian Saleem allow_url_fopen = On
display_errors = Off
enable_dl = Off
file_uploads = On
max_execution_time = 200000
max_input_time = 200000
memory_limit = 1G
post_max_size = 1G
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
session.save_path = "/opt/alt/php81/var/lib/php/session"
upload_max_filesize = 1G
zlib.output_compression = Off
same problem ERROR 406


Answered by Mian Saleem 9 months ago


There should be any issue of missing item from order. Are you having same issue? Please share the isntalled url with login detail in private reply or share screenshot.

Thank you


Answered by Mian Saleem 9 months ago


I suspect it's due to mod security, please check with your server admin about 406 error.

Thank you


Answered by Gent 9 months ago

Mian Saleem yes its fixed now, but i think website needs mod security ?

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