When trying to use a demo data, the app not found the demo.sql.
I have checked on the storage/app/demo.sql but nothing found on there.
Based on your code
public static function createDemoData()
try {
$demoData = Storage::disk('local')->get('demo.sql');
It should be there. I have downloaded the latest version of MPS. Can you just send the demo.sql in privately without waiting new update to us?
Furthermore, when I'm downloading the latest source code. The zip files is MPS 0.13.0 but the composer.json version 0.12.3. Thus, is this version 0.13.0 or 0.12.3?
"name": "tecdiary/mps",
"version": "0.12.3",
"type": "project",
"description": "Modern Point of Sale Solution",
"keywords": [
Thank you
Please set the DEMO
to true
in the .env
then run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed --force
It will generate the demo data and then login using super
I will check about demo.sql and version in the coming update.
Thank you
Yes after running the seeder the demo data now fine. Furthermore, when I'm downloading the latest source code. The zip files is MPS 0.13.0 but the composer.json version 0.12.3. Thus, is this version 0.13.0 or 0.12.3?
It should be the latest version. The version in composer.json might wrong or not update by the package script. I will check this before releasing the next update. I have updated livewire to v3 and need some testing. If you find any issue on demo, please let me know.
Thank you
Thank you
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