Application In Production! *
Do you really wish to run this command? (yes/no) [no]:
Dropped all tables successfully.
Migration table created successfully.
Loading stored database schema: /home/optikaas/bm/database/schema/mysql-schema.dump
Loaded stored database schema. (2,278.35ms)
Migrating: 2022_07_10_000000_create_price_groups_table
SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'price_groups' already exists (SQL: create table price_groups
char(36) not null, name
varchar(255) not null, code
varchar(255) null, details
varchar(255) null, created_at
timestamp null, updated_at
timestamp null) default character set utf8mb4 collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci')
at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:716
712▕ // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error
713▕ // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a
714▕ // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors.
715▕ catch (Exception $e) {
➜ 716▕ throw new QueryException(
717▕ $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
718▕ );
719▕ }
720▕ }
+9 vendor frames
10 database/migrations/2022_07_10_000000_create_price_groups_table.php:38
+33 vendor frames
44 artisan:37
[optikaas@imba bm]$ php artisan migrate:status
| Ran? | Migration | Batch |
| Yes | 2017_02_21_070324_create_attachments_table | 1 |
| Yes | 2017_03_17_070324_alter_attachments_table_extend_filetype | 1 |
| Yes | 2017_08_21_201100_alter_attachments_table_add_group_column | 1 |
| Yes | 2019_12_14_000001_create_personal_access_tokens_table | 1 |
| Yes | 2021_10_07_000000_update_oid_user_id_unique_index_on_orders_table | 4 |
| Yes | 2021_10_20_050000_unify_addresses_to_all_tables | 4 |
| Yes | 2021_11_22_000000_drop_delivered_by_foreign_key_from_deliveries_table | 4 |
| Yes | 2022_01_19_000000_modify_failed_jobs_table | 3 |
| Yes | 2022_02_14_025831_update_modifier_options_table | 4 |
| Yes | 2022_03_10_113257_add_event_column_to_activity_log_table | 3 |
| Yes | 2022_03_10_113258_add_batch_uuid_column_to_activity_log_table | 3 |
| Yes | 2022_03_29_162019_create_model_names_table | 2 |
| No | 2022_07_10_000000_create_price_groups_table | |
| No | 2022_07_16_000000_create_price_groups_related_table | |
That migrations already run. I think that is due to migrations in update that is supposed to be for basic license. I will check the release script again.
For now, you can try php artisan schema:dump --prune
and then run the command again. If still same, please delete those files in database/migrations/update/
Thank you
And also i cant access /port i updated all files did the migrations
[optikaas@imba bm]$ php artisan mps:update --c --now
Have you backup the files & database? (yes/no) [no]:
Trying to access array offset on value of type null
at vendor/tecdiary/installer/src/Commands/UpdateMPS.php:68
64▕ $time = mps_config('auto_update_time', true);
65▕ $next = isset($time->checked_at) ? Carbon::parse($time->checked_at)->addDays(6)->startOfDay() : now()->subDay()->startOfDay();
66▕ if ($this->updateNow || $now->greaterThan($next)) {
67▕ $keys = json_decode(Storage::disk('local')->get('keys.json'), true);
➜ 68▕ if ($keys['mps']) {
69▕ if ($time) {
70▕ $time->checked_at = $next->toDateString();
71▕ }
72▕ Artisan::call('down');
+15 vendor frames
16 artisan:37
I am sorry but the update command php artisan mps:update --c --now
will not work till version 1 is released. We are only release manual updated at the moment. The auto update should be fine from v1 onward.
Can you please check the modules_statuses.json
if the module Port is enabled. If not, you can enable it with php artisan module: enable Port
Thank you
Yes i downloaded the files uploaded to the server and replaced the ini so it uses the same db thats how i update to new and also checked for migrations but these were non to update. can u tell me did i do i right if yes i cant access /port
Once you have uploaded the new files, you only need to run php artisan migrate
command to update any database changes.
Your migration status says 2 migrations didn't run yet but you already have the tables that those migration created. My guess is that the migration file name was changed or there might be two files. If you check the check the migrations table in your database, then you can see that. If there is a record, you can update the migration
column to migration filename.
I will pay more attention in future so that it won't happen again, at least not changing the previous migrations name. I am sorry for this time 😦
If there is no migration to update, then you should be good to go. If you have any issue, please let me know.
Thank you
Mian Saleem [optikaas@imba bm]$ php artisan migrate:status
Migration name ................................................................................. Batch / Status
2017_02_21_070324_create_attachments_table ............................................................ [1] Ran
2017_03_17_070324_alter_attachments_table_extend_filetype ............................................. [1] Ran
2017_08_21_201100_alter_attachments_table_add_group_column ............................................ [1] Ran
2019_12_14_000001_create_personal_access_tokens_table ................................................. [1] Ran
2021_10_07_000000_update_oid_user_id_unique_index_on_orders_table ..................................... [4] Ran
2021_10_20_050000_unify_addresses_to_all_tables ....................................................... [4] Ran
2021_11_22_000000_drop_delivered_by_foreign_key_from_deliveries_table ................................. [4] Ran
2022_01_19_000000_modify_failed_jobs_table ............................................................ [3] Ran
2022_02_14_025831_update_modifier_options_table ....................................................... [4] Ran
2022_03_10_113257_add_event_column_to_activity_log_table .............................................. [3] Ran
2022_03_10_113258_add_batch_uuid_column_to_activity_log_table ......................................... [3] Ran
2022_09_06_134723_drop_variation_foreign_keys ......................................................... [5] Ran
i ran all the migrations and update all the files but after i login to my webapp the version still remains 8.0 and the link.com/port for importing items is not working
https://pastebin.com/nuwzxWK8 this is all my migrations so far in my datatbase table
Your migration is fine. The version is not from database or hard coded. It read from composer.json
file. If you have updated the files then it should have latest version 0.9.1
Do you have any other issues?
Thank you
Mian Saleem yes i cant access /port for bulk importing aslo this is my composer https://pastebin.com/q3HzEmnt it has the latest but its not showing in my webiste
Your composer file looks fine and has version 0.9.1
Please share the link to your installation with credentials.
Thank you
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