i installed all the requirement & added all the extensions in my Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS, node v12.14.1 NPM version 6.13.4, PHP v8.1 & MySql 8.0
but when i run "npm run prod" it showing missing modules even i checked the package.json all the packages is there .
Please your support
best regards,
Why are you running that command?
Please follow the installation instructions from documentation.pdf (included in your download). The live version can be found here.
Thank you
i used it to run the project
You don't have run that command; the download is production build.
If you need for any reason, then you need to install the dependencies for all modules npm run install
cd modules/Auth && npm install && cd ../../modules/Port && npm install && cd ../../modules/MPS && npm install && cd ../../modules/Shop && npm install && cd ../../
Thank you
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