Mps Has Basic Accounting Features


Hello Mian.

Friend really apologize, but I still do not really understand what is the purpose of "accounts" and I really need to understand this well to be able to give it to my client, you send me to try it in the show but if you can see I create an account "income sales "And another" shopping release "although it appears in the" payment list "and" payment report "I do not see what accounting characteristic has or at least where it can be seen. It does not generate any type of accounting operation and how I see is that it simply appears in the listings and does not even make a difference if it is an "+" income or a "-"

"MPS Has Basic Accounting Features."

What are the characteristics?

I do not see that it generates any accounting feature, a state of profit and lost, balance sheet, accounts receivable, accounts payable, banks, etc.

Thanks for your time and help.

Question Resolved For: Modern Point of Sale Solution 0 Votes 2 Answers 236 Views
Asked by Hector Rojas 2 years ago


Answered by Hector Rojas 2 years ago

You also say that they are the bank accounts, where I can add the banks, boxes and how the process is done to make the bank deposits to get the money from the box when receiving a payment and deposit it in the bank.

Thanks for your time and help.


Answered by Mian Saleem 2 years ago


As I told you before my knowldge of accounting is zero and by basic accounting I mean that account will keep track of transactions.

There is no -ve or +ve but credit & debit tracsactions. I might be wrong here, if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Thank you

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