Product With 3 Sales Prices


Greetings, I request information on how to create a product where a single product code is used in the purchase and sale.

Cost $5.00
Unit sale $15.00
Wholesale Unstuffed $9.00 (unstuffed plush dolls)
Wholesale Stuffed $12.00 (stuffed stuffed dolls)

How can I add these 3 prices for sale in the MPS I need your support, thank you.

Question Resolved For: Modern Point of Sale Solution 0 Votes 1 Answers 487 Views
Asked by gomezgroup 9 months ago


Answered by Mian Saleem 9 months ago


You can try adding item with variants like Wholesale and set options to Normal|Stuffed|Unstuffed so that system will ask you to select variant while adding the item to order.

If it's related to quantity, you can try promotions.

Thank you

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